About Our Research

Data and Activism is a Tactical Technology Collective applied research project examining the impact of data collection and profiling on human rights defenders, activists and networks.

Whether a non-governmental organisation or a human rights defender, in today’s society, our data is collected, stored and analysed every step of the way. From visa applications to social media profiles, from attending a conference to meal choices on a flight, sharing a photo from a protest or simply walking past a CCTV camera – we are rendered into data which is quantified, cross referenced and compiled to form profiles about us as individuals and social graphs about us as groups.

Within the blurred lines between corporations and governments; and the elevated threats against the work of human rights defenders in many countries; these profiles take a different dimension beyond corporate interests, and can become at times, the center of the threat model. Under this project we aim to trace how this process happens, raise awareness on its different implications; and – where possible – explore protection strategies and creative responses.