__ Strategic direction __: Stephanie Hankey
__Project direction __: Christy Lange
__Project lead Data and Activism __: Amber Mcintyre
__Project lead Data and Politics __: Varoon Bashyakarla & Gary Wright
Team: Varoon Bashyakarla, Amber Mcintyre, Gary Wright
Web design: Yiorgos Bagakis, Maria Kassab
Web developing: Jacopo Anderlini, Laurent Delleré
Tech support: Danja Vasiliev
Illustrations for Data and Activism & Data and Politics: Maria Kassab
Illustrations for Data and You: Gabi Garland
Contributors: Emily Deans, Cade Diehm, Andrea Figari, Maya Indira Ganesh, Jan Griffiths, Semanur Karaman, Caroline Kent, Kei Kreutler, Rose Regina Lawrence, Matthias Monroy, Leil-Zahra Mortada, Paz Pena, Raquel Renno, Allan Stanley
Financial team and grant management: Ngan Nguyen, Daniela O'Halloran
Special thanks to everyone at Tactical Tech and all our friends, partners, and fellow organisations who have shared their work and expertise. Further thanks are due to the network of activists and human rights defenders who trusted us with their experiences and for providing feedback.