Travel and Our Data Baggage

In this chapter, discover what data we create when we travel. There are many different reasons for travelling when involved in social action. These include attending meetings face to face, bringing people to a public demonstration or delivering capacity building workshops. You may only travel in your local area, or you may often travel across the world. There are also many reasons not to travel such as to protect the environment, during a global health crisis or because we take care of children or other dependents. Even in these cases you may travel locally, or be involved in organising someone’s travel to visit you, so this chapter could still be of use.

Whether far or near, there are many aspects of traveling that involve the creation of personal data including booking transportation, checking in to accommodation and applying for visas. These are addressed in this chapter.

Print it at home, or bring it up on your computer or phone screen and get some paper to do the activities in your own data policy notebook.

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